Don’t talk to Terrorists
Why do we talk with terrorists and take the insidious position of placing them on our level?
Why do we talk with terrorists and take the insidious position of placing them on our level?
You cannot Live Free if you are disarmed and silenced. You cannot Live Free if you are restricted in your thoughts, perspectives, and ideas...and the open sharing thereof.
The Constitution empowers you as a Citizen. Here is the reason why...
The question going into this election cycle, and all going forward, because progressive socialist leftists ain't going, is simple...what is YOUR definition of liberty? Will you be a sheep, a Shepherd, a Guard Dog...or a wolf? Are YOU willing to make a stand against the perverted leftist definition of liberty...which is tyranny?
This ruling from the Minnesota Supreme Court conveys the belief that even when a law abiding citizen, person, is actively being attacked, and at risk of death, they cannot defend themselves and brandish a deadly weapon if it is "reasonably possible to retreat".
If the acolytes of the new American Pravda have their way, they will truly fundamentally transform our America.
Think constitutionally about the preeminent duties of an American president. And who do you want not just answering the phone call but sitting in that room with the most dangerous people in the world?
If we are to Live Free in these United States of America, a Constitutional Republic, then we had best not enable leftists to be in a position of power. History has taught us what leftism/Marxism is all about, and as King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes, there is truly nothing new under the sun.
I do have several concerns about totally abdicating the issue of dismembering unborn babies in the womb to the States. I do not want to see the GOP basically sanctioning safe havens for infanticide.
Greetings, everyone and a very Happy 248th American Independence Day. Let us endeavor to understand the real foundational meaning of July 4, 1776.