Purge this

Progressive activists love to use scary words to persuade people that good is really bad and lawful is unfair. Nothing is more true than their use of “purge” as a disingenuous euphemism for clearing voter rolls of illegal or deceased voters, or those who have moved. The Brennan Center for Justice is a left leaning advocacy group openly funded by George Soros. Their recent short analysis uses “purge” 20 times in discussing states’ efforts to comply with NVRA mandated guidelines on removing the dead, illegal or relocated from rolls where they shouldn’t be in the first place. It appears the leftists at Brennan don’t want any voters removed from anywhere, demonstrating a tacit acknowledgment that non-legitimate voters are inclined to vote for progressive candidates that Soros and the Brennan Center favors.

Redistricting; reapportionment, we can’t call the whole thing off

If you sometimes are befuddled by the intersection of the census, redistricting and reapportionment—what each means, how they all talk to each other—don’t feel bad; it is confusing. This article uses Pennsylvania as a demonstration of what census numbers mean for redistricting (“how areas will be divided into districts based on the number of seats a state has”) and reapportionment (“the process of deciding how many seats a state will have in the House of Representatives based on changes in population.”) Things that don’t need explanation: census collection will be infiltrated by liberal activists looking to skew Congressional districts in their favor.

Hypocrisy of the anti-voter ID crowd

Russia! They altered votes! They interfered! They elected Republicans! They moved my cheese! Although the ridiculous Russian collusion hoax has fallen into the lake of fire where it belongs, progressive activists, media and politicians could not have harped on it more in 2017 and 2018. And yet, as ACRU Issue Expert Christian Adams points out, domestic voter fraud is just fine with liberals. He notes that voter ID is supported by around 80% of Americans. So, liberal friends, if our voting programs are being targeted by the Russians … why don’t you want to make sure legal votes are protected?

Sanctuary policy leads to illegal voting too

We missed this article when it first posted back in December, but it is important enough to bring it to your attention today. It is a perfect explanation of how sanctuary policy leads to illegal immigrants receiving driver’s licenses and then being registered to vote accidentally on purpose and then voting and negating the vote of a legal voter. As this article points out, immigration is NOT a state issue, but actually falls under enumerated powers granted by the Constitution to the federal executive. New York is pointedly and aggressively breaking federal laws with one of its newest provisions requiring its DMV to notify illegal immigrants that ICE is after them, rather than the other way around.

NYC liberals pick criminal aliens over innocent residents

New York City's unlawful and dangerous sanctuary city policy and refusal to cooperate with ICE detainers continues to collect victims. The latest list of crimes by criminal illegal aliens called out by ICE include a 92 year old woman raped and murdered on the street. Also, nine (alleged) criminal most recently released by Mayor de Blasio and his fellow liberals have a laundry list of crimes including: robbery, assault, harassment, weapons charges, assault with a vehicle and resisting arrest. These are just a few of the violent illegal aliens let loose on the legal residents of New York City. As with the Chicago story above, NYC's corrupt political class is turning its citizens into victims. Until they vote these irresponsible officials out of office they are all going to be at serious physical risk.

Chicago Ignores ICE, Releases 1,070 Criminal Aliens

The title of this article (above) says it all. Although we enjoy writing quippy summaries for our Advocate readers, it is difficult to expand on the headline. But we will give it a try - last year Chicago had 490 murders and nearly 2,200 shootings. The list of illegal alien violent crime is long. The FBI has reported that many of the guns available to Chicago criminals come over our southern border illegally, boxed up with cocaine, meth and marijuana, and given to street drug thugs for entrepreneurial enforcement (sarcasm) as Chicago is a hub for drug traffickers. Chicago is refusing not just to honor ICE detainers, but also refusing access to its criminal database. Chicago's corrupt political class is turning its citizens

ACRU lights a birthday candle to celebrate Citizens United decision

In 2009, ACRU issued an Amicus Brief urging the Supreme Court to find in favor of Citizens United and constitutional freedom in the case of Citizens United v. FEC. The case began in 2007 when a political movie about Hillary Clinton was blocked for distribution by liberal activists who didn't like the subject matter and used the McCain-Feingold Act as a battering ram. The Supreme Court correctly decided in favor of Citizens United by applying Constitutional free speech provisions to ensure a broader, more level playing field for American political activity. January 21, 2020 was the tenth anniversary of this landmark case, finalized in a 5-4 decision split along ideological lines with the more liberal justices on the Court arguing against free speech for any member of the public speaking through an entity. The framers of the Constitution made it clear that voters should fully briefed on both sides of any policy or political issue and at ACRU, we concur. We are grateful to Citizens United and David Bossie for bringing this critical Constitutional case before the Supreme Court of the United States.

No quarter for anti-semitism

The disturbing rise in anti-semitism in the U.S. is unacceptable, and at ACRU, we have no intention of ignoring it. Religious freedom is for all faiths and those who enjoy the freedom to worship walk together in its defense. Since the horrific Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in October 2018, the reporting of anti-semitic attacks in the media has notably increased. Some of these disgraceful attacks come in the form of public insults and slurs, and there are also numerous cases of stabbings (even inside a rabbi's home), assaults, harassment and vandalism. Many of these hate crimes occurred in New York City where its hoodlum class seem to be using anti-semitism as a new form of "wilding." We know our Advocate readers will join us in acknowledging this heinous trend and calling it out every time it is found.

Religious Freedom Day Celebrates Vital Founding Principle

On January 16th, America celebrated National Religious Freedom Day. At ACRU, we list our Constitutional religious freedom where the Founders did-first. To commemorate the 1786 Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom authored by Thomas Jefferson, President Trump issued a proclamation honoring our nation's founding in religious freedom but noting "the fundamental right to religious freedom is under attack." In America, there is room for everyone's rights. Freedom to worship or not worship. Freedom to make whatever life choices one wants to make. What should never be accepted is the "freedom" of one group to oppress the freedoms of others. Thanks to David Closson at the National Review for this great article about "a radical idea from the Founding Fathers that still works today."

Gun owners win the day in Richmond

Despite efforts by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to dishonestly paint lawful gun owners as lunatics and white supremacists, the truth won out in Virginia's capital on Monday, January 20th. Since taking over state government last November, Virginia Democrats have proposed no fewer than 87 gun ownership restrictions. Northam designated "rally square" as gun free, so gun owners cheerfully rallied on the streets outside the cordoned area-with their guns. Northam designated gun owners as a "threat"-so they cheerfully defended their rights with no negative incidents. Thanks to everyone who showed up to defend our freedom and proved once again that the safest place in America is beside a good guy or gal with a gun. Thanks to all the gun owning ladies and their signs noting, "Gun Rights are Women's Rights."