General Election Information

Protect Your Vote!

Has someone else voted on your behalf without your knowledge? Has someone taken advantage of a family member’s voting registration? Research your voting records here using the database.

Poll Worker and Poll Volunteer Information

Poll Worker and Watcher Information for Wyoming

Become a Pollworker (Election Judge)

Wyoming Needs You!

Election judges are essential to our democracy. Election judges are officials that staff local polling places, administer election procedures, and ensure the rights of voters are protected on Election Day. Serving as an election judge provides an opportunity to learn about the elections process and is a great service to our community.

Duties of an Election Judge

  • Set up the polling place;
  • Operate voting equipment;
  • Direct voters to the correct line;
  • Register individuals to vote;
  • Ensure all qualified voters are permitted to vote;
  • Demonstrate how to vote;
  • Distribute ballots to voters;
  • Assist voters;
  • Close down polling place following voting;
  • Determine results after polls close;
  • Certify the polling place results;

Becoming an Election Judge

You may become an election judge by pursuing one of the following options:

1. Contact the county chairman of your major or minor political party; or

2. Contact your County Clerk or your municipal clerk.

All appointments are made by the County Clerk. If appointed, you must attend training conducted by your county clerk. W.S. 22-8-110.