The framers of the Constitution, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay studied the French political philosopher Montesquieu and his writings, The Spirit of Laws in establishing our Constitutional Republic and its rule of law, the U.S. Constitution. They brought together the concept of the three branches of government, coequal, along with the separation of powers, and system of checks and balances. Since September 17, 1787 it has withstood the test of time and been amended in order for us to “form a more perfect Union.” Once upon a time we taught Civics in High School, not gender identity, critical race theory, and cultural marxism. We all understood those three branches of government and I recall visiting the Georgia State Capitol and seeing it at the State level.

I have written this before, and will reiterate, progressive socialist leftists do not embrace the three branches of government. They prefer the three branches of rule — media, academia, and the courts. These are the vehicles by which they advance their ideological agenda and they have sought vehemently to overtake these three areas in our Nation. And they viciously seek to protect them from any challenge, and infiltration. Consider how abjectly apoplectic leftists become when conservative speakers are allowed to appear on campus. Yours truly can recall the police escort required at the University of Buffalo because I, as a Black man born in a segregated hospital, would not support the idea of America being a racist Nation.

The bias in the media can be witnessed every night when tuning into leftist media outlets. Or you can just peruse the reports and analysis of the Media Research Center (MRC). It is as if there is an alternate universe for news. Now, the left is parroting the idea that supporting a terrorist organization that killed Americans and has in its charter the decimation of western civilization as free speech…for students here on a visa. Oh yea, back to the first point, these absurd protestations happen on leftist college campuses.

But it is in the last branch of rule, the Courts, where the left is willing to fight the absolute hardest. And too often we as conservatives pay little to no attention to judicial races, much to our demise. I recall the 2018 election here in Texas where the Soros supported left focused on local courts in Dallas and Harris County, and flipped countless judicial seats. We know that Soros and the left have invested heavily in local District Attorney races, including here in Texas. The goal is simply to implement the leftist agenda of social justice. The result? Criminals are released to return to their criminal ways. We call that recidivism. But hey, it is all about social justice and creating a confusing delineation of victim…based upon leftist ideology.

I think we all remember how the left went nuts during President Trump’s first term where he was, constitutionally, able to appoint three Supreme Court justices. I do not think we will ever forget the confirmation hearings of Justice Brett Kavanaugh…that’s just how vicious the left is when it comes to the court. I will admit that Justice Amy Coney Barrett, along with Chief Justice Roberts, can be quite disappointing. The most recent decision about not allowing a President, in other words, Chief Executive of the federal government, to suspend spending in the executive branch was perplexing. Roberts and Barrett joined with Sotomayor, Kagan, and Brown-Jackson. Justice Alito’s dissent to the SCOTUS 5-4 decision is worth the read. And of course, regardless of that decision, the progressive socialist leftists desire to change Article III of the Constitution and pack the SCOTUS, certainly in their favor.

In three weeks, on April 1st, there will be an election in the swing State of Wisconsin to decide the course of their Supreme Court

This race pits a hard leftist who once represented Planned Parenthood and is a Circuit Court Judge in the far left Dane County (Madison, WI), her name is Susan Crawford. Her opponent is the former Republican Attorney General and District Attorney of Waukesha County, Brad Schimel. There is nothing that the left wants more than to affirm a leftist Supreme Court. It will be from there that the left in Wisconsin will implement the ideological agenda that any sane person would reject by way of legislative representation, and we know that Wisconsin went for President Trump.

Sadly, the left in America do not believe that it is the Article III duty and responsibility of the Courts to “interpret the law.” They feel that courts should make law, especially law that advances their agenda. Let’s not forget that it was Blue State Attorney Generals and the First US Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston Massachusetts, that supported Mexico bringing a lawsuit against U.S. gun manufacturers, in violation of the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCCA). What type of decisions would a leftist, activist, Supreme Court make in Wisconsin? I wholeheartedly assert that any electoral reform and integrity laws would be some of the first to be challenged, and probably overturned. Remember, Kamala Harris had the most electoral success in States with no voter ID requirement.

Yes, I know, judicial races are non-partisan. Well, if you believe the true intent of that statement, there are some real nice mountain trails between Ft. Lauderdale and Naples, Florida you can hike. When it comes to electoral races, there is nothing “non-partisan” to the progressive socialist left.

To the folks up there in Wisconsin, where I have visited several times, y’all remember the song by the rock group The Who, “Won’t Get Fooled Again.” Do not be fooled again and allow your State’s highest court to fall into the hands of the progressive socialist leftists who have a hard time figuring out what a woman is and do not believe that illegally entering the Country is a crime. The last thing you need in Wisconsin is an activist court that will implement judicial tyranny.

Steadfast and Loyal.