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Mail-in vote system in Detroit deemed “a mess” by election officials

In a city (over)run by Democrats for decades, voting in Detroit’s recent primary was utterly corrupted. When 72% of its precincts reported bad vote counts, the State Board of Canvassers called it “alarming.” Liberal Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has so far ignored concerns. Within Detroit’s 78% African American population, 40% live in poverty, and the unemployment rate is 21%. These citizens need their political voices heard and protected.

By |2020-09-12T15:13:47+00:00September 12th, 2020|

A shocking admission about institutionalized vote fraud

This story gave us chills. It proves what ACRU and our supporters have noted for months -- vote fraud is not just rampant — but organized. Voting in person is the solution to making sure someone doesn’t slap a strip over duct tape over YOUR vote by fraudulently submitting others. We fear this unprecedented admission of felony vote tampering is just the tip of a very disturbing iceberg. As Lori says, “be a VIP!.”

By |2020-09-12T15:09:34+00:00September 12th, 2020|

Celebrating Women’s Constitutional right to vote on August 26

American women were granted the right to vote 100 years ago this week. On August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was made law after Republicans regained control of Congress (the Democrat-controlled Congress had voted the amendment down four times). Twenty-six of the 36 states that ratified it had Republican legislatures. The movement was led by Republican women like Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth and Susan B. Anthony. Let’s hope their statues remain safe once the truth is out.

By |2020-09-12T15:05:17+00:00September 12th, 2020|

CA Court: If rioters can scream, worshippers can praise

Many people of faith want to get back to church, and some are too worried about COVID to attend in person. Both are Constitutionally protected choices. After California Gov. Newsom decided worshippers couldn’t sing, but rioters could “protest,” Sun Valley Community Church Pastor John MacArthur sued the Governor, State AG and LA Mayor over their anti-indoor service restrictions. A judge familiar with our first freedoms sided with the faithful.

By |2020-09-12T15:03:46+00:00September 12th, 2020|

What a difference Constitutional Justices make

For decades, Ninth Circuit Court leftist judges stood athwart Constitutional freedoms and yelled “stop!” Since President Trump replaced a third of its activist judges, its decisions have changed. This includes a recent pro-Second Amendment decision slapping down a magazine ban by California politicians. The “new 9th” has reminded California that its citizens are still protected by the federal Constitution.

By |2020-09-12T15:01:26+00:00September 12th, 2020|

Mailed absentee ballots stall out in motor city

Elected political liberals have been destroying Detroit since 1962 while overseeing the loss of 64% of its population. This month, mailed ballot counts in 72% of its precincts didn't match the number of ballots cast. “But the Post Office is swimmingly efficient, there’s no vote fraud and we should believe Democrats who tell us they will take good care of our votes,” we sarcastically note.

By |2020-09-12T14:57:50+00:00September 12th, 2020|

Here it comes: elections decided by liberal judges

If liberal activists can’t extend voting to whatever random date they choose, perhaps their Plan B is to have liberal judges demand that disqualified votes become qualified. Before you know it, property destruction, looting and assault won’t be crimes either. Oh, wait …

By |2020-08-22T15:50:06+00:00August 22nd, 2020|

Democrat groups call for election month

The Constitution is a malleable document for liberals. When it suits their needs, they use it. When it doesn’t, they ignore it. Article I makes it clear that the authority to determine the date and time of elections is not vested in liberal activists or their lawyers who now want to extend the national election to … whenever. This is why judicial appointments matter.

By |2020-08-22T15:48:16+00:00August 22nd, 2020|

Thousands Of Mail-Voting Ballots Rejected For Arriving Late

A rally outside the Montclair, N.J., town hall on July 1. Protesters hung 1,101 absentee ballots to represent the number of votes that weren't counted in a mayoral election that was decided by just 195 votes.Mail-in voting, which tens of millions of Americans are expected to use this November, is fraught with potential problems. Hundreds of thousands of ballots go uncounted each year because people make mistakes, such as forgetting to sign the form or sending it in too late.

By |2020-08-22T15:44:11+00:00August 22nd, 2020|
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