“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
The First Amendment to the Constitution provides American citizens with five freedoms that are the hallmark of American liberty. It simply and unequivocally protects religious liberty for people of all faiths, freedom of speech by individuals and the press, freedom to meet and assemble, and the right of the people to petition their government.
Protecting all aspect of these liberties, and the Constitutional itself, is the primary mission of American Constitutional Rights Union.
Each Constitutional freedom is under attack by the American left’s activist class and their partners in media, “Big Tech,” and government. It is incumbent on every liberty-loving patriot to first understand the fundamentals of these rights and how they are being perverted and ignored in light of the latest wave of unconstitutional laws and actions by oppressive liberals seeking to create for themselves a permanent progressive power base.
The United States Constitution is the mechanism whereby “We the People” hold government accountable and prevent it from limiting our individual and economic liberty. The Founding Fathers created a system of law for the American people and their government to follow regardless of changes in societal structure, culture and the economy.
The Founders drew from many influences, including the works of English jurist William Blackstone and his presentation of the moral law and religious values and their importance to governance and legal systems. Not only is the Constitution anchored in the rule of law, but moral order also lives boldly within its wording.
The Constitution stands firm in its protections, and must never be abrogated and used as the handmaiden of any political agenda. Today, the Constitution faces new 21st century threats — unconstitutional laws are written to diminish the integrity of citizen votes and the role of states to set voting procedures, and social media’s Big Tech giants are colluding with some officials to censor anyone who does not agree with their leftist agenda.
Through educational projects and quantifiable advocacy plans, ACRU will always stand firm to ensure Constitutional liberty is preserved for generations to come.
ACRU Action
Won’t open church? Then we’ll worship amongst the slot machines
The liberal governor of Nevada unilaterally decided casinos could hold thousands of people and churches (regardless of capacity) could only have 50. Liberal Supreme Court justices and Chief Justice Roberts threw religious freedom under the bus by agreeing. But a group of worshipers found a workaround to exercise their Constitutional rights. Perfect. Brilliant.
The Supreme Court Declines to Consider Price v. Chicago
On July 2, the U.S. Supreme Court denied certiorari in the case of Price v. City of Chicago, although Justice Thomas would have granted the petition. The American Constitutional Rights Union, joined by Students for Life in America, filed an amicus brief in support of the Petitioners, who were challenging the constitutionality of a Chicago ordinance limiting the speech rights of anti-abortion protesters.
Justice Roberts becomes the anti-religious freedom swing vote
An un-Constitutional and absurd ruling from the Supreme Court last week decided a Nevada church had to adhere to arbitrary and biased COVID guidelines from its liberal governor. Democrat Governor Sisolak is allowing hundreds of people into bars and casinos but only 50 souls per church without even considering church size. Casting the First Amendment to the wind, liberal justices were joined by Justice Roberts in pretending our first freedoms are less important than cocktails and Blackjack.
ACRU’s Blackwell: Cancel Culture’s Dual Meaning Is a War for America’s Soul
"Cancel culture” is a double entendre of the dangerous kind. It is not just about canceling individuals or entities who offend leftist activists and their myopic group of minions; it is about fundamentally canceling America.
It wasn’t just religious liberty that Chief Justice Roberts strangled
Chief Justice John Roberts ruled this week that religious gatherings have the same constitutional protections as football games or Who concerts and therefore state governments CAN limit access to worship. The Chief Justice sided with the 4 leftist judges to reach this conclusion. We wish we were making this up. This has left us gasping in surprise, but not giving up - EVER - on defending your first freedom to worship.
ACRU’s von Spakovsky: Governors can’t suspend the First Amendment
A federal district court judge has taught Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly (a Democrat) a valuable lesson: The COVID-19 pandemic does not give her the right to suspend the First Amendment right of Kansans to practice their religious beliefs. Several other state and local officials should take heed, too. Kelly signed a series of executive orders restricting public and private activities due to the COVID-19 crisis. On April 7, she issued Executive Order 20-18, prohibiting “mass gatherings” of more than 10 people in a confined or enclosed space. Violators were subject to up to a year in prison, a $2,500 fine, or both.