“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
The First Amendment to the Constitution provides American citizens with five freedoms that are the hallmark of American liberty. It simply and unequivocally protects religious liberty for people of all faiths, freedom of speech by individuals and the press, freedom to meet and assemble, and the right of the people to petition their government.
Protecting all aspect of these liberties, and the Constitutional itself, is the primary mission of American Constitutional Rights Union.
Each Constitutional freedom is under attack by the American left’s activist class and their partners in media, “Big Tech,” and government. It is incumbent on every liberty-loving patriot to first understand the fundamentals of these rights and how they are being perverted and ignored in light of the latest wave of unconstitutional laws and actions by oppressive liberals seeking to create for themselves a permanent progressive power base.
The United States Constitution is the mechanism whereby “We the People” hold government accountable and prevent it from limiting our individual and economic liberty. The Founding Fathers created a system of law for the American people and their government to follow regardless of changes in societal structure, culture and the economy.
The Founders drew from many influences, including the works of English jurist William Blackstone and his presentation of the moral law and religious values and their importance to governance and legal systems. Not only is the Constitution anchored in the rule of law, but moral order also lives boldly within its wording.
The Constitution stands firm in its protections, and must never be abrogated and used as the handmaiden of any political agenda. Today, the Constitution faces new 21st century threats — unconstitutional laws are written to diminish the integrity of citizen votes and the role of states to set voting procedures, and social media’s Big Tech giants are colluding with some officials to censor anyone who does not agree with their leftist agenda.
Through educational projects and quantifiable advocacy plans, ACRU will always stand firm to ensure Constitutional liberty is preserved for generations to come.
ACRU Action
Happy Birthday to America’s First Freedoms from ACRU
Washington, DC.—Today Americans celebrate the 232nd anniversary of the completed signing of the United States Constitution in Philadelphia in 1787 by thirty-nine Founding Fathers. By ratifying this brilliant document, they made America a nation uniquely founded on liberty like no other country in the world.
How the ‘Revolution’ Is Eating Its Own
The ACLU gets stung on campus, and wants the courts to enter the "political thicket" of redistricting.
Playing the Race Card before Election Day
Is it racist to require people to show a photo ID when they vote? You need a photo ID for nearly any meaningful transaction, such as cashing checks, including government checks. If this simple requirement "suppresses" the vote, maybe we need to ask why it's such a great idea to push for universal suffrage for every adult who is merely breathing. Of course, even this latter requirement would suppress the vote in Chicago and New Orleans, where dead people get to vote all the time - and do so cheerfully.