Facebook has reportedly allowed millions of VIP users to violate its content rules without being punished

Facebook has become known in recent years for the ruthless enforcement of its internal content rules, to the point that posting anything on the site can sometimes feel like opening your mouth in Stalinist Russia—you never know if you're going to become an Unperson by saying the wrong thing. But the social media company has apparently allowed millions of users to skirt around those rules without being punished:

Lt. Col’s Resignation Letter Goes Viral: Bashes Biden’s ‘Unethical, Immoral And Tyrannical’ Vaccine Mandate

In a blistering letter, a 19-year veteran US. Army Lieutenant Colonel resigned from the Army and relinquished his pension as he claimed that President Biden’s vaccine mandate was “unethical, immoral and tyrannical” while adding, “The values that our nation was founded on, has lived by and thrived under, have been utterly decimated by the current presidential administration and the leadership of the military,” and castigating the “ideologically Marxist takeover of the military and United States government at their upper echelons.”

More Than 20 Republican Governors, AGs, Rise Against Biden’s Jab-Mandate

In swift fashion, more than 20 Governors and/or state attorneys general – all of them Republicans – have announced their plans to not only oppose President Joe Biden’s sweeping jab and COVID-testing requirement on businesses with 100 and more employees, but also to bring near-immediate legal action to block the Biden move.

Conservative investment funds take aim at ‘woke’ corporations

Fortune 500 corporate boardrooms increasingly have embraced a “woke” agenda — such as Gillette lecturing its shavers about toxic masculinity and Bank of America having guest speakers declare capitalism evil. In response, some Wall Street players now are offering exchange traded funds (ETFs) that exclude left-wing companies, taking a page from the activist playbook that created investment programs to boycott enterprises deemed environmentally unfriendly.

PILF to Election Officials in all 50 States: Resist the Abuse of Power and Intimidation by the Biden DOJ

Today, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) wrote letters to election officials in all 50 states regarding the guidance issued by the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division on state election audits and a state’s return to pre-COVID election procedures. The Foundation informed election officials that the DOJ has overstated their power and that PILF has offered to help states fight back against this DOJ abuse of power. This overreach by DOJ is not surprising considering that the Department is being run by Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Pamela Karlan, an ideological extremist with a long history of partisan enforcement of civil rights laws and Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke who has exhibited hostility toward equal enforcement of voting laws.