Fighting for public policy solutions enabling regular Americans to Live Free.

While many other organizations, such as the ACLU, are intent on shifting court decisions and public opinion against American values, we work every day to safeguard the liberties enshrined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The ACRU Action Fund stands against harmful, anti-constitutional ideologies that have taken hold in our nation’s courts, culture, and bureaucracies. We defend and promote free speech, religious liberty, the Second Amendment, American values, and our national sovereignty.

We hope you will join us in the fight to protect America, the best and last hope for freedom. Your donations will make a difference.

Live Free Local

Live Free Local

Are you frustrated with the slow pace of movement in Washington. You write, you call, and you email, but things never seem to change. Part of the reason for that is that Washington politics are far removed from you — the real base of power.

The phrase, “All politics is local,” carries a lot more weight than one might think. In the Founders’ view of our Constitutional Republic, the ultimate power rests at the most local level possible — the individual citizen. Our Constitution is carefully designed to enumerate powers we voluntarily cede to the government in a descending fashion, starting with the individual and ending with the federal government. That’s right. The real power in our country rests with the individual and then the local and state representatives they elect.

This is why the American Constitutional Rights Union started the Live Free Local initiative. Our aim is to embrace local politics and arm you with the tools to make a difference in your community and state.

Live Free TV & The Constitution Show

  • The Guarantee Clause What It Says And What It Does

    Have you heard of The Guarantee Clause? It's in Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution. Check out what Allen West has so say about what it is, and how it pertains to the deportation of those in this country illegally.

    Watch this video on Rumble

    Listen to the Podcast

  • The Constitution Show: House of Documents | Episode 2

    Our founding documents complement each other to address the ideal, the how-to and the limits on government power. Tune in to learn how the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights work together.

    Watch this video on Rumble

    Listen to the Podcast

ACRU Action Commentary

Burning Down the House

January 8th, 2025|

White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre has stated the final weeks of the Biden administration will be jam-packed. I think we all would prefer that the final weeks of the Biden administration would be jammed with his packing...and focused on his departing.

  • Photo of Allen West; Townhall opinion piece sized for Twitter

Who’s in Charge? Ain’t You?

January 1st, 2025|

The question for us as a nation, going into 2025, is whether or not we will ever again be caught asking who is in charge and looking around mindlessly pondering, “Ain't you?” It is going to truly be a Happy New Year.

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