
About Tom McHale

Tom McHale is the Director of Public Policy and Digital Media for the American Constitutional Rights Union. He is a magazine editor and writer by trade, and has published thousands of articles and seven books including The Practical Guide to the United States Constitution.

A Day in the Life… of Big Government Mandates

Far-fetched? If you’ve shaken the dust from a single history book, you know precisely how easily even a modern society will slide down a slippery slope, especially if it’s greased with politician-sprinkled unicorn dust. The most frightening thing about this rash of mandates and “show me your papers” requirements is how it’s setting up a never-ending barrage of similar behavior. Under the logic of “for the public’s health,” we’re turning one small step into a giant leap, straight into a pile of…

By |2022-01-13T16:17:18+00:00January 13th, 2022|

There’s a Social War a Comin’

If you put your iPhone to the ground, you’ll hear distant war drums beating. On a quiet day, you might also catch hints of Silicon Valley boardroom debates. They know trouble is on the horizon, and I’ll bet some of that crypto money tech company bigwigs are wondering how the heck they’re going to respond.

By |2021-11-17T13:32:33+00:00October 27th, 2021|

The Psychology of Crisis Tyrants

The American Constitutional Rights Union defines a crisis tyrant as a leader who uses a crisis — like the COVID-19 pandemic — to justify and grease the skids of their tyrannical behavior. The “crisis” element adds a layer or two of “despicable” as the exercise of power comes on the backs of those enduring a crisis or tragedy.

By |2021-10-26T15:37:11+00:00October 26th, 2021|

Constitutional Concepts: It’s My Right!

If you have the “wrong” opinion on healthcare, school lunch menus, or whether the M-5000 BlasterTank should be funded in next year’s military budget, you’re a racist. Those who wear uniforms and face-covering hoods, while demanding others repeat “correct think” phrases under threat of violence cluelessly call other people Nazis and fascists — and with a straight face. And rights? Anything coveted by more than one woke individual is now a “right.” Listening to the nightly news and politicians’ bloviation, one might think it’s protecting its citizens from themselves. Perhaps the purpose of government is to provide for national security. Or maybe it’s providing a safe, stable, and level playing field for its citizens. Some believe government’s role is to provide for the national welfare, whatever that means. Looking at a founders’ view of government, the purpose is to protect the natural rights of those who elect to be governed.

By |2021-09-20T00:30:28+00:00September 15th, 2021|
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