Vote Fraud

Help us correct the Vote By Mail/Absentee ballot “equivalence” deception

Absentee ballots and universal vote by mail (“VBM”) schemes proposed by Democrats are not the same. Absentee ballots are requested by a voter and sent to that voter’s residence. With Universal VBM, the state sends applications or ballots to an address with no confirmation of recipients’ names or voting status. Even some Republican governors don’t get it. We hope you will help explain this critical difference to everyone you know.

By |2020-08-17T14:31:15+00:00August 17th, 2020|

1 in 5 Ballots Rejected as Fraud Is Charged in N.J. Mail-In Election

Following accusations of widespread fraud, voter intimidation, and ballot theft in the May 12 municipal elections in Paterson, N.J., state Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal (pictured) announced Thursday he is charging four men with voter fraud – including the vice president of the City Council and a candidate for that body.

By |2020-08-17T14:09:53+00:00August 17th, 2020|

10th District Legislators: ‘We Must Be Able to Vote In Person’

Things for which we need ID include buying alcohol and tobacco, opening a bank account and applying for welfare programs. Three New Jersey legislators want to change current state law to require photo ID for voting, and we agree — requirements to identify yourself for your most important citizen activity should be a no-brainer. Sometimes bills pass, sometimes they don’t, but they always make a statement.

By |2020-08-12T14:41:33+00:00August 12th, 2020|

Thousands of Ineligible Persons Could be Mailed Ballots If Nevada Goes All-Mail in November Election

On July 24th, Nevada’s Election Integrity Project notified Nevada officials of grossly inaccurate voter rolls it uncovered that could undermine the integrity of the state’s election results. Its report includes 10 categories of findings with myriad problems in more than 100K records. As Nevada liberals call for mail-only elections, this group demonstrates why this would be a huge mistake and a field day for fraud.

By |2020-08-12T14:38:28+00:00August 12th, 2020|

Feds Accuse Ex-Philadelphia Congressman Michael ‘Ozzie’ Myers of Stuffing Ballots

Former Philadelphia Congressman Michael “Ozzie” Myers went to jail for political bribery and conspiracy in the 1980s and became a political consultant for fellow Democrats when he got out. Now he has been indicted for bribing an election judge and ballot stuffing in three elections starting in 2014. He allegedly took money from candidates to pay the judge to add fake votes. Vote fraud and vote fraud conspiracy wrapped up in one case.

By |2020-08-12T14:34:56+00:00August 12th, 2020|

Pennsylvania mail ballot problems kept tens of thousands from voting in primary election

To make sure your vote counts, vote in person. Wear your mask, stay six feet behind your neighbors, wash your hands when you’re done, and don’t mail your ballot. With evidence coming in from mail-in ballot fails from several states, USPS admits it cannot handle the load. Because of postal drag, at least 92,000 votes in Pennsylvania’s recent primary were not counted. Don’t let that be you in November.

By |2020-08-12T14:29:44+00:00August 12th, 2020|

Election Department Employee Alerts Clerk Tina Peters to Voter Fraud Leading to Arrest

A key ACRU vote integrity message is calling for election officials to be on alert for fraud. Case in point, a Colorado official who noticed a deceased gentlemen reinstated “his” voter registration. Kudos to election coordinator Sandra Brown, whose eagle eye resulted in vote fraud charges against one Larry Talbert. Other officials take note - databases already exist for cross checking - you just have to use them.

By |2020-08-12T14:24:11+00:00August 12th, 2020|

Men Admit To Skid Row Scheme Offering $1, Cigarettes For Fraudulent Voter Registration

“Four people admitted to offering homeless people money and cigarettes in exchange for false and forged signatures on ballot petitions and voter registration forms.” Five others are awaiting trial. The slap on the wrist the confessed fraudsters received through an LA court included community service. The last place these fraudsters need to be is in the community. Vote fraud is real, and it is organized.

By |2020-08-12T14:21:02+00:00August 12th, 2020|

Nadler in 2004: ‘Paper Ballots Are Extremely Susceptible to Fraud’ – News Punch

New York Congressman Jerry Nadler in 2004: “Paper ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud. Just paper with no machines? I can show you experience which would make your head spin.” New York Congressman Jerry Nadler in 2020 (we are paraphrasing, but you get the gist): “Paper ballots now create their own paper trail.” The hypocrisy might be funny if we were not talking about voting, our most sacred right as Americans.

By |2020-08-12T14:18:17+00:00August 12th, 2020|
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