Vote Fraud

One of These is not Like the Other

There is a critical difference between an absentee ballot and the new notion of universal vote by mail. One is proven and safe, the other is subject to incompetent processing and open to fraud. Voters and elected officials must understand the enormous difference in order to protect the security our elections.

By |2022-03-13T20:48:24+00:00August 12th, 2020|

Award Winning Democrat Just Got Served With A Stack Of Felony Charges

The Democratic Party loves the “unconventional methods” of Michigan party official Sherikia Hawkins so much that they gave her an award. Her methods were so unusual that she was arrested on six felony charges. Hawkins engaged the community in voting by “forging records and falsely marking absentee ballots as invalid” during the 2018 midterm election.

By |2020-07-29T13:43:01+00:00July 29th, 2020|

Arizona’s Election Integrity Unit is a role model for other states

Arizona recently upped its game on election integrity with significant improvements to its Election Integrity Unit. These changes include an easy online election fraud reporting system, and aggressive action on any necessary litigation (including a recent double voting case.) We are grateful that Arizona is actively working to prevent fraud, not just waiting to address it after it happens.

By |2020-07-24T22:25:11+00:00July 24th, 2020|

USPS failures contribute to suppressing votes

The current tally of mail in votes voided by California election officials in its March primary is 102,000+. Most were rejected because they arrived too late for counting. Combine the famous inefficiency of the post office with the potential of dishonest officials keeping ballots in the bottom drawer for a day or two, and what you’ve got is stolen votes.

By |2020-07-24T22:23:40+00:00July 24th, 2020|

New York election officials skipped math class

Many important things happen immediately after elections for outgoing, newly incoming, and even incumbent officials. Time wasted counting votes means constituents are ignored and fraud gains an edge. A month after New York’s mail in primaries, winners and losers are still in limbo. New York’s nearly mail-only election is a mess and it’s not going to get better by November.

By |2023-04-25T02:49:40+00:00July 24th, 2020|

Dead cats voting: funny, not funny

Former Atlanta feline Cody Tims passed away in 2008 after a lifetime of service to his loving family. This cat apparently was signed on to a mailing list at one point that was then sold to vote activists (yet another mail-only voting problem.) Cody is a purrfect example of why voting lists need constant updating. It is appalling that this cat not only was a registered voter but is still a registered voter after having passed away twelve years ago.

By |2020-07-24T22:18:40+00:00July 24th, 2020|

Inaccurate voter registration is an incubator for fraud

The difference between absentee voting and mail-only voting is that absentee voting requires a request for a ballot, but mail-only voting means a ballot will be sent to a house where a voter once lived. This article provides a great primer on why this is an invitation for fraud, and also uses Honest Elections Project data to show how widespread voter registration inaccuracies truly are.

By |2020-07-24T22:13:16+00:00July 24th, 2020|

Mail-only voting is a vote stealer

According to an analysis of this year's primaries by National Public Radio, at least 65,000 mail in votes were not counted in 17 states studied. Uncounted mail-only ballots, even without malfeasance by dishonest election activists, are a way to stifle American’s political voices. Many elections have been determined by a handful of votes. 65,000 is a big handful.

By |2020-07-24T22:11:14+00:00July 24th, 2020|

Soros Groups’ Vote-by-Mail Drive Aims to Expand Government Control

Liberals have made quick use of the coronavirus crisis to promote all manner of policy prescriptions that, under less dire circumstances, would be ignored or lamented by conservatives. The left’s latest gambit is the George Soros-backed vote-by-mail scheme, which promises an election cycle ripe for fraud.

By |2020-07-10T19:04:07+00:00July 10th, 2020|

SCOTUS says “no” to relaxing vote security laws

Alabama has long standing curbside voting rules and identification requirements for absentee ballots that safeguard the votes of its citizens. A group led by the Southern Poverty Law Center demanded these protections be overturned (Covid--the usual excuse) and an Obama appointed state judge agreed. Fortunately, the Supreme Court did not, and Alabama will be able to continue to ensure the integrity of its votes.

By |2020-07-08T01:53:12+00:00July 8th, 2020|
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