Democrats Win Big in Redistricting Case
5/20: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court's new congressional district map may swing the state for the Democrats.
The Supreme Court May Change District Created by Maryland Democrats
5/20: After changing Maryland's sixth district to a democratic stronghold via gerrymandering, Democrats may be forced to redraw the district.
Utah Will Vote on Redistricting Practices
5/16: Utah voters will have their say on redistricting practices in the state when the issue appears on the November ballots.
Utah Redistricting Bill Close to Ballot Eligibility
5/11: A proposal to reform the way Utah redistricts by forming an independent committee is close to qualifying for the 2018 state ballot.
Missouri Proposes Citizen-Only Redistricting
5/11: The Missouri government is considering a bill that would only take citizens into account when redistricting.
Ohio Works to Curb Redistricting
5/10: Ohio passed a bill that will add a ban on partisan redistricting to the state's constitution.
Supreme Court at Impasse over Texas
4/24: The Supreme Court could not seem to agree over whether a Texas district was legally drawn or not, dividing down ideological lines.
Redistricting a Complicated Issue for High Court
3/29: The Supreme Court has a complicated task ahead as it debates what to do about gerrymandering.
Former PA Governor Files Brief Opposed to New Redistricting Map
3/5: Former Pennsylvania Governor Dick Thornburgh has filed a brief opposed to the court-drawn redistricting map.
Michigan’s Proposed Constitutional Amendment Includes Automatic Voter Registration
2/16: A constitutional amendment in Michigan would allow same-day registration, automatic registration, expanded absentee voting, and more time for military members to cast ballots.