
Marc Elias Behind Wisconsin Lawsuit To Influence 2024 Election

Clinton Campaign’s former General Counsel files lawsuit to make Wisconsin’s elections subject to even more fraud. “The most common problem is that activists or staff fill out the ballots for residents without respect to the residents’ free will or ability to choose,” said Lori Roman, president of the American Constitutional Rights Union, which monitors protections for vulnerable voters. “This lawsuit puts every vulnerable voter in Wisconsin at risk and cements Wisconsin’s reputation as the worst state in the country for vulnerable voters.”

By |2024-02-17T15:58:23+00:00October 9th, 2023|

National Voter Registration Day: Making Sure Voter Registrations and Voter Rolls Are Accurate

American men and women have fought and died on battlefields across the world to preserve and protect our constitutional republic’s freedom to vote. National Voter Registration Day is a vital reminder for us to highlight the proper perspectives on voter registration and celebrate accurate, transparent, and accountable voter registration and voter rolls.

By |2023-10-14T19:42:54+00:00September 20th, 2023|

Jason Snead: Don’t Listen To Dem Hysteria — Everyone Can Agree On Election Integrity

No matter what they claim or how loudly they claim it, these voices do not speak for the majority of Americans. As recent polling conducted by Honest Elections Project Action shows beyond all doubt, an overwhelming bipartisan majority of Americans embrace commonsense voting laws that make it easy to vote and hard to cheat.

By |2023-10-14T19:42:58+00:00August 24th, 2023|

GA Secretary of State Must Address Documented Issues Raised by the Halderman Report

A shocking detailed report recently exposed that the software used in Georgia’s voting machines is not up to date and hasn’t been for years, which raises serious security concerns about the ability to protect voters.

By |2023-10-14T19:43:04+00:00July 26th, 2023|

Election Integrity: One Illegal Vote Can Change an Election

Most people in the media don’t want you to believe that election crimes are committed. They say it is easier to find Bigfoot. But election crimes are not a myth, and The Heritage Foundation has been systematically documenting them for years. When those who deny the crimes occur are forced to confront the data, the response sometimes shifts to “It doesn’t matter anyway.” After all, does it really matter if a single vote is improperly or criminally cast?

By |2023-10-14T19:43:07+00:00July 13th, 2023|

Launch of campaign to repeal ranked choice voting draws a crowd in Anchorage

A few hundred people met at a south Anchorage church Thursday night to kick off a signature drive aiming to get rid of ranked choice voting and go back to the way Alaska used to elect candidates.

By |2023-10-14T19:43:08+00:00July 6th, 2023|

Ranked-choice voting in Utah: How did it work?

When Monica Zoltanski was elected mayor of Sandy, Utah, from a crowded field of eight candidates by only 21 votes in November 2021, the city had to hold a recount — not just because of the close vote, but also because of voter confusion. Such were the fruits of Sandy’s experiment with ranked-choice voting.

By |2023-10-14T19:43:10+00:00June 29th, 2023|

Democrat Indicted On 82 Counts Of VOTER FRAUD! [VIDEO]

Democratic County Supervisor, Trey Adkins, has been arrested and is facing 82 charges, mostly involving voter fraud. Adkins is the current Knox District Supervisor for Buchanan County, and faces 82 felony charges.

By |2023-10-14T19:43:12+00:00June 26th, 2023|
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