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Army spouse: the practical realities of overseas military voting must be simplified

Military voting is of critical importance to Armed Forces command. But like any bureaucracy, execution can be overly cumbersome and confusing. Army spouse Tracey Miller examines the complexities of military voting (from personal experience) noting that instructions like, “fold this piece of paper and make it into an envelope” are confusing and serve as a barrier to military voting. Our service members shouldn’t have to haul around scissors, tape and extra paper in election years.

Military votes could be key in Georgia’s January 5th Senate runoffs

The United States Senate, and perhaps our very Constitutional liberties, depends on the outcome of the Georgia Senate elections — unique in that the state’s two Senate seats are in play at the same time. The Georgia Secretary of State is currently sending out absentee ballots to Georgia residents posted in the military overseas, or at other US bases. We encourage all Georgian members of the Armed Forces to complete and return their absentee ballots as soon as they are received.

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ACRU: Vote Fraud in Nursing Homes is Real and Verifiable

American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) has provided affidavits to the Texas Attorney General as part of a request for a criminal investigation into alleged vote fraud committed against a resident with dementia in a Texas nursing home.

ACRU’s Protect Elderly Votes’ concerns about nursing home fraud confirmed

In a state where ballot harvesting is illegal, a remarkable coincidence occurred right before election day. According to reports from the Senate Judiciary Committee, 25,000 nursing home residents in different facilities across the state all requested ballots at the same time. Who ordered them? And more importantly, who filled them out? An investigation is currently ongoing.

Ballots stolen from mailboxes, discarded on roadsides in Washington town

Police in a city just east of Seattle said Friday that numerous mail ballots have been stolen from people's mailboxes and placed or discarded elsewhere. The post office alerted the Sammamish Police Department "that unopened or incomplete ballots have been inappropriately placed in out-going mail bins," the city of Sammamish said Friday.

Dallas man and his late wife’s stolen identity used to commit voter fraud

A Dallas man who says he had his voter identification stolen this year says he has voted in every election since Richard Nixon won in 1968, and each year he has waited to cast his ballot on Election Day. With such a hotly contested race in 2020, he wanted to make sure he got his vote in early. His message to everyone: he’s glad he did.