
This Video Got ACRU Executive Director Allen West Banned from TikTok

This video, highlighting the unprecedented government abuse via its FBI raid on former President Trump's private residence, caused the leftist social media machine to permanently ban LTC West from TikTok. What's next? The left fears truth and free discourse of political views, so they simply silence opposing viewpoints in the media and online.

By |2023-05-23T02:42:53+00:00August 13th, 2022|

Facebook has reportedly allowed millions of VIP users to violate its content rules without being punished

Facebook has become known in recent years for the ruthless enforcement of its internal content rules, to the point that posting anything on the site can sometimes feel like opening your mouth in Stalinist Russia—you never know if you're going to become an Unperson by saying the wrong thing. But the social media company has apparently allowed millions of users to skirt around those rules without being punished:

By |2021-09-20T00:29:28+00:00September 19th, 2021|

In God We Trust. Government—Not So Much!

Those who relish the unyielding power of the state over the individual have had a good year. Lockdowns by tyrannical governors and state and local bureaucrats, along with expansive authority seized out of thin air by the CDC and other arms of the federal government, have made America almost unrecognizable as a bastion of freedom.

By |2021-09-10T14:12:47+00:00September 9th, 2021|

The smear campaign against the Great Barrington Declaration

In October 2020, along with Professor Sunetra Gupta, we authored the Great Barrington Declaration, in which we argued for a ‘focused protection’ pandemic strategy. We called for better protection of older and other high-risk people, while arguing that children should be allowed to go to school and young adults should be free to live more normal lives. We understood that it might lead to vigorous and heated discussions, but we did not expect a multi-pronged propaganda campaign that gravely distorted our arguments and smeared us. We are just three public-health scientists, after all. So how and why did this slanderous counterattack emerge?

By |2021-08-06T14:42:23+00:00August 6th, 2021|

ACRU’s Roman & Author & CEO Dr. Naomi Wolf: Left and Right Should Unite to Stop Censorship

We, a former advisor to President Bill Clinton’s campaign and a former member of the George W. Bush Administration, may not agree on many public policy issues. Figuratively speaking, we wear different colored hats. But we have joined together to sound the alarm against censorship.

By |2021-08-03T19:21:29+00:00July 23rd, 2021|

More Than 120 Retired Flag Officers Call For Revival Of A New Tea Party

“Our nation is in deep peril. We are in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776. The conflict is between supporters of Socialism and Marxism vs. supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty.” The group of 124 retired generals and admirals is calling on Americans to throw out far-left politicians in favor of candidates at the federal, state, and local levels who place value in fiscal responsibility and individual rights over socialist collectivism.

By |2021-05-11T15:49:59+00:00May 11th, 2021|

Big Tech Report Card: Amazon, Twitter, Apple Earn Industry Huge ‘F’

By almost any measure, the first three months of 2021 were the worst ever for online freedom. Amazon, Twitter, Apple, Google, Facebook, YouTube and others proved to the world that the Big Tech censorship of conservatives is a reality. And they did so in disturbing, authoritarian ways that highlight their unchecked power over information and our political process.

By |2021-04-27T14:33:39+00:00April 27th, 2021|

Data Prove People Self-Censor In Fear of Woke Mobs

Deeply illiberal mobs of so-called “progressive, anti-racists” have escaped our nation’s college and university campuses and threaten many other institutions, including museums, sports and entertainment, corporations like Coca-Cola, and even our elementary, middle, and high schools.

By |2021-03-31T17:44:59+00:00March 31st, 2021|

ACRU Demands Freedom To Read for any US News Article

The New York Post ran a second story on October 15th claiming it has evidence Hunter Biden openly lobbied a Chinese energy firm to cash in on his family's influence. Once again, social media giants Facebook and Twitter are blocking citizen access to these stories. Media censors do not have the right to supersede our First Amendment protections. #freedomtoread

By |2020-10-17T22:57:46+00:00October 15th, 2020|

The Ninth Circuit approves censorship for liberal tech giants

Does 9th Circuit not know what's in the Constitution, or just ignores it? Either way, now liberal billionaires at Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc. have been given a green light to censor anything (conservative) they find unhelpful. Like individual liberty, a secure border, conservative thought; that kind of thing. The 9th says these public forums are "private." Does the 9th Circuit squint when it sees daylight after spending so much time in the pockets of mega wealthy progressives?

By |2020-03-06T10:37:49+00:00March 6th, 2020|
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