Grand jury indicts 8 North Carolinians for voter fraud
Eight people have been indicted by a grand jury for voter fraud in a North Carolina county following an investigation by the state Board of Elections, a prosecutor said.
Eight people have been indicted by a grand jury for voter fraud in a North Carolina county following an investigation by the state Board of Elections, a prosecutor said.
In 2020, we saw more lawsuits filed over election laws and rule changes than in any prior year of American history. And with the congressional midterms fast approaching, litigation and other developments just keep coming.
The Supreme Courts in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania will hear cases involving voting laws the states implemented ahead of the 2020 presidential election.
The Left and their liberal media allies love to point to the low number of election crimes prosecuted as proof that there is little to no voter fraud. They claim these low figures prove we have secure elections and that we do not need election integrity reforms.There is one major problem with this argument. Far too often, county election supervisors refer election crimes to county prosecutors, and these referrals gather dust. Prosecuting election crimes requires resources, time, and expertise of election law that most local county prosecutors do not have. Prosecutors also face political pressure to not prosecute election crime cases.
It is a shocking statement that could easily be attributed to a third world dictator. When asked about election legislation this week, the president of the United States of America stated, “It’s not who can vote, but who gets to count the vote. Who counts the vote—that’s what this is about.” The definition of a political gaffe is when a politician accidentally tells you what they really think. And what President Biden really thinks is that the Feds should take over elections, stripping states of their election responsibilities as designated by the U.S. Constitution. The Dems want to control who counts the votes.
Republican leaders warned against the latest Democrat push for federal election reform on Tuesday, pointing specifically to bill measures about voter ID and same-day voter registration.
In the run-up to the 2020 elections, American Constitutional Rights Union created an important outreach program to senior citizens and senior residential facilities that brought attention to fraud, voter manipulation, and undue influence in voting by political operatives and facilities staff. Truly a form of elderly abuse, many cases of stolen and manipulated senior ballots have been reported to ACRU as it continues its important project and expands to other groups of vulnerable voters. Cleta and Lori discuss what actions seniors themselves, their families, facility directors, election officials, state legislators, and most importantly — concerned citizens — can take to ensure the authenticity and integrity of every senior vote.
The Texas Legislature passed the state’s election reform package, SB 1, designed to protect voters by fixing vulnerabilities in the registration and election system. This happened only when Democrats finally returned to the state after fleeing to the nation’s capital in May to avoid the special session called by Gov. Greg Abbott.
Today, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) wrote letters to election officials in all 50 states regarding the guidance issued by the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division on state election audits and a state’s return to pre-COVID election procedures. The Foundation informed election officials that the DOJ has overstated their power and that PILF has offered to help states fight back against this DOJ abuse of power. This overreach by DOJ is not surprising considering that the Department is being run by Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Pamela Karlan, an ideological extremist with a long history of partisan enforcement of civil rights laws and Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke who has exhibited hostility toward equal enforcement of voting laws.
First, this public service announcement: There is no voter fraud in U.S. elections. Thank you for your attention. A California man was discovered asleep in his car in the parking lot of a 7-Eleven store in Torrance with drugs, cash, and several drivers’ licenses, according to ABC7. Oh… I nearly forgot. There were about 300 unopened recall election ballots in the car.