
Standing With Truth and Integrity Against Disinformation

In a world where oppressive regimes constantly challenge human rights advocacy, the disinformation campaign against Professor Javaid Rehman, former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, underscores the lengths to which authoritarian states like Iran will go to silence dissent. This campaign aims to discredit a dedicated human rights advocate.

By |2024-09-09T16:54:52+00:00September 9th, 2024|

Voting machine company president indicted on bribery and money laundering charges

Piñate, along with alleged co-conspirators Jorge Miguel Vasquez, and Elie Moreno, have been accused of bribing former chairman of the Philippines’ Commission on Elections Juan Andres Donato Bautista with $1 million to secure the contracts

By |2024-09-01T21:37:12+00:00September 1st, 2024|

Meet the Little-Known Activist Group That Has Tens of Thousands of Doctors Registering Patients To Vote

Meet the Little-Known Activist Group That Has Tens of Thousands of Doctors Registering Patients To Vote

By |2024-09-01T21:29:06+00:00September 1st, 2024|

ACRU Supports Firearms Industry in Supreme Court Case Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc., et al. v. Estados Unidos Mexicanos

The American Constitutional Rights Union filed a friend-of-the-court brief in support of America’s leading firearms companies as they seek Supreme Court review of a decision by the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit allowing the Mexican government to sue them.

By |2024-06-02T17:59:05+00:00June 2nd, 2024|

Red County Election Integrity

If there is one dominant theme I hear in my travels in and around Dallas County, Texas, and indeed across America, it is this. Hey, Colonel, what are we going to do about election integrity? Colonel, how do we keep them, the progressive socialist left, from cheating? The answer is not that hard and is quite achievable.

By |2024-04-03T19:10:05+00:00April 3rd, 2024|

Written Testimony submitted to the Wisconsin State Legislature Senate Committee on Elections

Written Testimony submitted to the Wisconsin State Legislature Senate Committee […]

By |2024-02-18T19:28:33+00:00December 15th, 2023|
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